Sanitizer for Drinking Water | Effervescent Tablet

One Tablet contains: Sodium thiosulfate 1.5 g, EDTA disodium 4.12 g, excipients q.s. ad 1 tablet.
Effective water softener. Makes hard water available for drinking. Powerful chlorine neutralizer and neutralizer agent: keeps ideal pH from 5.4 to 6.5 for vaccine dosage, medicines and probiotics. Strong cooling agent: extinct polluting heavy metals such as iron, lead, arsenic, mercury,etc; makes drinking water more secure. Protects the vaccine against chlorine contained in water and pH disturbance. Controls the delivery of vaccinal solution in water. Evaluates the vaccine intake.
Dosage and AdministrationOne tablet for 100 L of water. Prepare the adecuate volume for vaccination, add 1 tablet each 100 liters of water, wait ten minuts for a complete chloride neutralization and homogenize with a plastic shaker. Dilute the vaccine opening the bottle under the surface of the water,distribute the vaccine and add another tablet in the tank after vacunation, in a volume equivalent for two hours of water consumption.
Commercial PresentationFrasco x 100 tabletas,
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